Drop/Shock Testing System, Measuring Device for Testing and Railway

SHINYEI Technology Co.,LTD.


How to purchase of your products ?

You can purchase our products via our agents. Please see global networks.
Please contact us if you can't find your suitable site.

What is the holding drop testing sytem of DT-202/205?

The holding drop system can be contribute to conduct the drop test with high accuracy and repetitive.
In this system, specimen is holded by a couple of the pen sylinders as the holding module. Specimen and this module is dropped at the same time and pen sylinders of this module are released before the impact of the specimen.
Please see our testing movies.

Can we measure the shock accelerations at the impact of the specimen at the drop testing?

You can measure this by the acceleration measuring device called "Shock Manager,SM-500".
Please see its web site for the further information.

What is the difference between ASQ, MDTST and SDST of your Shock Test Machine ?

Our Shock Test Machine has the unique shock ganerater called Multi-Shock Generater(MSG). You can carry out the shock tests with various shock duration using 1 shock programmer.
ASQ series has MSG system for the half sine and trapezoidal shock pulse.
MDST series has MSG system for the half sine pulse.
SDST series has the simple generater for half sine pulse.
Please contact us if you have need further information.