낙하 · 충격시험장치와 수송환경기록계기 전문제조사

SHINYEI Testing Machinery Co.,LTD.


Company name SHINYEI Testing Machinery Co.,LTD.
URL http://www.shinyei-tm.com
Head Office

B47 city block 11plot, Katoridai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 300-2657, JAPAN

Tel: +81-29-848-3570(Rep.)

Tel: +81-29-848-3571(Sales)

Fax: +81-29-848-3572

Google Map
Kobe Office

Shinyei BLDG. 5F, 77-1 Kyomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0178 JAPAN

Tel: +81-78-392-6903

Fax: +81-78-332-1619

Google Map
Nagoya Office

Nishiki emuai BLDG. 6F, 1-7-39, Nishiki,Nakaku, Nagoya,460-0003, JAPAN

Tel: +81-52-218-5472

Fax: +81-52-218-6110

Google Map
Founded April, 2015
Service & Products Drop & Shock Testing System, Field Data Logger, Acceleration Mesuring System, Instruments for Railway


당사는 포장설계 및 제품신뢰성시험용의 낙하시험기와 충격시험장치, 여객과 철도의 안전수송을 진단하는 계측기기의 전문제조사로서 1946년에 창립한 吉田精機㈜의 사업을 승계하여, 2015년 4월부터 사명을 SHINYEI TESTING MACHINERY CO.,LTD로서 사업을 전개하고 있습니다.

여러종류의 휴대기기 및 인터넷쇼핑에 따른 택배의 증가, 유통형태의 다양화등, 제품과 포장화물이 낙하나 충격을 받는 리스크가 증가하고 있으므로, 당사에서는 제품설계와 포장설계에 관한 시험장치, 수송환경조사나 해석을 하는 계측기기, 각종세미나와 컨설팅등, 낙하·충격에 대한 신뢰성향상을 실현하기 위한 토털서포트를 제공하고 있습니다.
그리고 또 한가지, 철도분야에서의 안전성확보에 있어서, 당사의 계측기기는 없어서는 안되는 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있습니다.

지금까지 70여년간 쌓아온 실적과 Know-How의 바탕위에 새로운 획기적인 이론에 기초하여 개발된 기술, 제품, 서비스에 의하여 제품, 포장설계, 수송, 물류에 있어서의 「신뢰」와 「안전」을 구축해 감으로서 앞으로도 풍요로운 사회만들기에 공헌해 가도록 노력하겠습니다.

Our History

1946 Established as Yoshida Seiki Limited Partnership. Started manufacturing measurement instruments for railroads and automotives, and vibrometers for vessels.
1950 Reorganized as Yoshida Seiki Co., Ltd.
1960 Invented and started manufacturing Impact Recorder.
1964 Automotive Vibrograph selected as regular inspection at Japan National Railways and started mass production.
Started manufacturing testing machines, mainly shock testing machines.
1968 Adachi factory built. Started manufacturing big testing machines.
1974 Started exporting testing machines and vibrographs to oversea market.
1977 Started manufacturing testing machines and measuring instruments integrated with micro computers.
1983 Rebuilt Adachi factory for mass production of big testing machines.
1988 Built up Vibration Measurement System with communication circuit for Shinkansen.
1989 Invented Vibration Measurement System with analysis software for railway.
Built up automatic control and analysis system for shock testing machines.
1990 Started exporting big shock testing machines and measuring system.
1991 Invented and started mass production of Distribution Environmental Recorder with PC analysis system.
1995 Invented Windows-complaint acceleration measurement system SM-300.
Invented automatic control system for multi channel shock measurement & analysis and shock testing machines.
1996 Invented Train Vibration Analysis System communicating via telephone lines.
1997 50th anniversary.
2000 Invented multi purpose automotive vibrometer of digital acceleration measurement and analysis system.
2001 Became affiliated with Shinyei group.
2005 High Acceleration Programmer HDTS series released.
Shock manager SMH-12 and analysis software SMS-500 released and started mass production.
2006 Invented Drop Tester for Packaged Freight DTS series and started mass production.
2007 Reorganized as Shinyei Technology Co., Ltd. due to reorganization of Electronic business at Shinyei Group.
2010 Invented Distribution Environment Recorder DER and started mass production.
2015 Shinyei Testing Machinery Co.,Ltd. has been founded due to succession of business from Shinyei Technology Co., Ltd.