Measuring Acceleration
When it is dropped by free-fall and impacted to a surface, force to push each object is generated. This intensity is related with the cushion material of object, or drop height by free-fall.
Also, this is in population to the acceleration, and in inverse population to the mass of the object. It means that we can find a status of the object whether it is danger, or not if generated acceleration of the object can be known by some way. In the field of mechanical testing, acceleration data at the arbitrary point can be captured by specific measurement system. We can get various information through those information, for example the dropped object may be broken in drop or shock test, we can judge whether the generated shock pulse on the shock table is applied to the testing standard, or not, etc.
In this section, the fundamental of the acceleration measurement technique is explained.

Usually, measurement of Acceleration on the product development has been separated 2 situations. The one is with the drop testing or shock and vibration testing in the laboratory. The other scene is a actual field measurement on the distribution which is on the truck board vibration or drop shock event on handling.....
Measuring Acceleration System
In this section, we would like to explain acceleration measurement system for laboratory measurement. Acceleration system, Shock Manager, has been constructed with a hardware....
Field Data Recorder
For measurement of actual filed environment, we can use our Field Data Recorder, DER-1000. This stand-alone device has 3-direction accelerometer and temp.& humi. sensor, and ....